Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer


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Briana's Notes:

The reason the quality of this image might seem slightly off is because I originally saved the pages as .jpgs, rather than .pngs. My hard drive crashed in February 2006, and I lost all the original, uncompressed files for most of Chapter 1 and early Chapter 2. I had to save from my .jpg versions of this cover and the next two pages.

Carissa's Notes:

There are no comments from Carissa for this page.

  Card Carrying Member of the WAGON Webcomic Battle
Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer is ©2005-2024 Briana Higgins and Carissa Palazzo.
No part of Rune Master may be copied/modified without prior, written consent of its rightful owner(s). Also, Hikari owns your soul upon completion of this sentence.