Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer


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Briana's Notes:

You have no idea how long I've been waiting to get to this page. I think I nailed it with Kogeru and Hikari on the final panel - I was pretty certain I'd mess it up somehow.

Now, when we originally wrote this scene, Carissa had Kogeru and Hikari observing from the roof because that's what they normally do, right? Well, she forgot that the huts have straw roofs and wouldn't hold up too well against that. Me... I remembered this, but rather than correct Carissa, I figured this route was better. I don't reqret my choice.

Carissa's Notes:

There are no comments from Carissa for this page.

  Card Carrying Member of the WAGON Webcomic Battle
Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer is ©2005-2024 Briana Higgins and Carissa Palazzo.
No part of Rune Master may be copied/modified without prior, written consent of its rightful owner(s). Also, Hikari owns your soul upon completion of this sentence.