Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer


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Briana's Notes:

For the record, blame Carissa for the whole man in a barrel thing. Those were all her lines. I know I blame her every time I giggle at him. :D

Carissa's Notes:

Note Maggie's lack of reaction to a man in a barrel rolling away...she's use to weirdos trailing after her. You'll see in the next book. xD
Also, yes, I am responsible for a lot of the weird humor in RM. I have huge troubles writing serious/romantic stuff since I grew up watching action/comedy cartoons and movies. xD; ...Also when we wrote RM, we wrote it around 11pm - 3am on the weekends...and I was hopping on like 5 cans of soda by then. Soda + me = weirdness.

  Card Carrying Member of the WAGON Webcomic Battle
Rune Master: Tales of a Demon Slayer is ©2005-2024 Briana Higgins and Carissa Palazzo.
No part of Rune Master may be copied/modified without prior, written consent of its rightful owner(s). Also, Hikari owns your soul upon completion of this sentence.